Meet a #365FeministSelfie - Cia

Introducing a new feature of #365FeministSelfie! Meet a #365FeministSelfie. I'll be reaching out to members of the #365FeministSelfie community to ask them about their feminism and their participation. If you want to be included, please leave a comment with your email. Enjoy!

Cia Lyons from Pittsburgh, PA

How long have you been participating in #365FeministSelfie?
This is my third year of the project.

Why did you join the project? 
I joined because I wasn't comfortable with myself. I hated looking at pictures of me and I wanted to change that. 

What has been the best/most interesting part of the project for you? Have you learned something about yourself? Met a new BFF? 
I love that the #365FeministSelfie has connected me with other chronically ill people. Being sick is a huge chunk of my life and now there's a community where I feel less alone about it. I also like seeing the variety of selfies in my feed. #365FeministSelfie truly shows how many amazing women, of all sorts, exist.

How many pictures do you snap for each selfie you share? 
Not many. It's probably around three, unless I want to make sure my outfit or costume is being perfectly displayed. Then it takes a while.

Have you ever received any negative comments for being in the project? 
Surprisingly, no. I've had nothing but support.

How do you do feminism?  
My feminism is intersectional and all-encompassing. I care about all the marginalized women who are seldom heard in the media. This project has actually made me investigate and be more critical of how we're treated. We deserve better than this.

You can find Cia at tuesdayselfies on Instagram.


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