Meet a #365FeministSelfie - Stephanie

Stephanie Martinez from Cedar Rapids, IA 

How long have you been participating in #365FeministSelfie? 
I started at the beginning but only got a few months in before my stamina petered out. Then, in 2015, I decided to start back up when 2016 rolled around.

Why did you join the project?
Last year, I was diagnosed with a life threatening pregnancy condition called placenta percreta. I almost died. After surviving, I realized there was so much MORE I wanted to do and become. I decided to rejoin 365FS in 2016 with a few goals in mind. First, to focus on my selfcare more. I survived something scary, time to take care of the body that did it. Also, to take time each day to document me, in a moment, good or bad. Just BE in a moment, with myself. So often as women, we don't take time for us and I think that it's incredibly important to do so. And, yes, put it on social media, tell the world, I AM HERE SEE ME.

What has been the best/most interesting part of the project for you? Have you learned something about yourself? Met a new BFF?
I have met a few amazing women. I see their strength and courage and it inspires me! I have learned that it doesn't matter if I don't have makeup on or my hair is a mess or if my teeth are crooked, this is me and the population can take it or leave it. I will still be here.

How many pictures do you snap for each selfie you share?
I have a best of three rule.

Have you ever received any negative comments for being in the project? 
I have been told that I take "too many selfies" and that "every picture looks the same" and to that I say, have your opinion, my 365FS isn't really for anyone but me. I have received a few negative comments on my breastfeeding pictures and a few lewd ones as well but I think that's more about the breastfeeding and less about the #365feministselfie tag.

How do you do feminism? 
I live each day as myself. I call people out when they need to be called out. I educate as often as I can. I teach my kids about consent, body autonomy, equality, etc. I say what I want, when I want. I wear what I want, where I want. I live my authentic self, that's how I do feminism.

You can find Stephanie at babesrockinmami on Instagram.


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